The 10 Best AI Tools for Change Management

Leveraging AI tools can significantly enhance the change management process.

From communication and collaboration to data analysis and predictive modeling for better decisions, these AI tools cover a range of functions to streamline change management efforts.

Here are the top 10 AI tools that can revolutionize how you handle change within your team, project, research project or organization.

1. Talla: Communication and Collaboration

Talla stands out as an AI-powered platform that excels in facilitating communication and collaboration during change management. It offers real-time information sharing, automated responses, and intelligent knowledge management to keep teams aligned.

Key Features

  • Chatbot for instant answers

  • Knowledge base management

  • Integration with popular collaboration tools


Talla provides four pricing levels (available monthly or yearly) with various features available at each level.

  • Starter (agent assist): $2000 per month

  • Growth (agent assist): $5000 per month

  • Enterprise (agent assist): Custom pricing

  • Starter (customer assist): $2000 per month


Upon logging into Talla’s platform, you’ll be greeted by an intuitive interface designed for seamless navigation. The platform’s user-friendly layout ensures that both beginners and experienced users can quickly find what they need.

One of Talla’s standout features is its AI-driven chatbot. To utilize this, simply type your question or query into the chat interface. The chatbot will promptly provide relevant information, acting as a real-time information source.

For instance, if you’re seeking guidance on a change initiative, the chatbot can instantly share insights, best practices, or updates related to the change.

Talla’s intelligent knowledge management system offers a central repository for large amounts of essential information related to change efforts. With a few clicks, you can access a wealth of resources, guidelines, and updates.

This makes it easy to stay informed about ongoing changes and ensures that your entire team has access to the same pool of knowledge.

Talla shines in fostering collaboration among teams during change and project management tasks. If your team uses collaboration tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, Talla can seamlessly integrate with them.

This integration bridges communication gaps, enabling you to share information, updates, and discussions across various platforms.

Bottom Line

Talla’s is a winner for its user-friendly interface, AI-powered chatbot, knowledge hub, and collaboration integration. This combination of features streamlines communication, enhances collaboration, and empowers teams to navigate change management with confidence. 


2. ThoughtSpot: Data Analysis and Validation

ThoughtSpot has gained prominence as an AI-driven analytics platform that empowers change managers to derive insights from data. Its search-driven approach enables easy exploration and visualization of data for informed decision-making.




Key Features

  • Search-driven analytics

  • Interactive data visualizations

  • Natural language querying


Thoughtspot provides different pricing levels for ThoughtSpot Analytics and ThoughtSpot Everywhere.

  • ThoughtSpot Analytics

    • Team: $95 per month

    • Essentials: $120 per month

    • Pro: $2500 per month

    • Enterprise: Custom pricing 

  • ThoughtSpot Everywhere

    • Pro: Custom pricing

    • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Summary is a cutting-edge analytics platform designed to empower businesses with instant access to insights from their data. The platform stands out for its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities that enable users to explore, analyze, and visualize data without the need for specialized technical skills.

At the core of is its search-driven analytics approach, which allows users to simply ask questions in natural language to instantly receive data-driven answers. This feature bridges the gap between data and decision-making, enabling users to make informed choices based on real-time insights.


The platform also offers interactive data visualizations that make it easy to transform complex data sets into visually compelling charts, graphs, and dashboards. With, users can uncover trends, patterns, and correlations, leading to better understanding and more accurate decision-making.

Bottom Line is an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to harness the power of their data. By democratizing analytics and making data exploration accessible to everyone, the platform accelerates data-driven initiatives, promotes data literacy, and ultimately drives business success.


3. Workato: Workflow Automation

Workato has emerged as an AI-driven automation platform that orchestrates workflows and automating processes together. It enables change managers to automate repetitive and complex tasks, and ensure smoother change implementation.

Key Features

  • Workflow automation

  • Integration with various apps

  • Data synchronization


Workato offers customized pricing models tailored for your business needs. 


Workato offers a set of core features that businesses can leverage to streamline processes.

WorkatoWorkato’s visual interface tool enables businesses to create automation workflows without coding. Change managers can design processes by dragging and dropping elements, for example, making it easy to automate tasks like communication, data updates, and notifications during change projects and initiatives.

Workato provides a library of pre-built connectors to popular apps and services. Change and project managers can seamlessly integrate tools used during change and project management, ensuring smooth data flow and consistent communication between systems.

With Workato, businesses and project managers can map and transform data between different applications accurately. Change and project managers can ensure that essential information and project data is transferred correctly, save time while maintaining data integrity and supporting informed decision-making and project progress.

Change managers can implement conditional logic to customize workflows based on specific conditions or triggers. This flexibility enables personalized communication and actions tailored to different change scenarios.

Bottom Line

Workato technology’s core features and technology empower businesses, stakeholders and change managers to implement efficient and effective change initiatives. By automating processes, enhancing collaboration among stakeholders, and ensuring data accuracy, Workato technology supports successful change management outcomes.


4. Micosoft Viva Glint: Employee Engagement

Glint’s reputation is built on its AI-driven approach to gauge employee sentiment and engagement during change. It offers pulse surveys, feedback analysis, and actionable insights to keep employees motivated and aligned.

Microsoft Viva Glint


Key Features

  • Employee sentiment analysis

  • Continuous feedback collection

  • Action planning tools


Microsoft Viva Glint offers three pricing tiers tailored to cater to various business needs.

  • Microsoft Viva Employee Communications and Communities: $2.00/user/month

  • Microsoft Viva Workplace Analytics and Employee Feedback: $6.00/user/month

  • Microsoft Viva Suite: $12.00/user/month


Microsoft Viva Glint presents an array of features that can play a pivotal role in facilitating successful change management within businesses.

With Microsoft Viva Glint’s communication spaces, businesses create virtual hubs where employees connect and receive updates. During periods of change, these spaces become vital for discussions, sharing updates, and giving employees a platform to express their concerns.

Microsoft Viva Glint empowers employees to ask and answer questions, proving invaluable during change management. Employees can seek clarity about upcoming changes, and their peers provide answers based on their experiences.

This repository of insights helps address doubts, share knowledge, and alleviate concerns.

Gauging employee sentiment is a cornerstone of change management. Through quick surveys, Microsoft Viva Glint enables organizations to capture pre- and post-change feedback.

This iterative feedback loop empowers tailored strategies, prompt issue resolution, and fine-tuning change approaches.

Engagement metrics monitoring during changes offers managers insights into the impact on employee morale. By identifying potential challenges early, leaders can intervene promptly to address concerns, improve productivity and ensure better outcomes and smoother transitions.

Bottom Line

Microsoft Viva Glint’s array of employee engagement features equips organizations with resources to enhance team collaboration, knowledge sharing, and overall employee satisfaction. By fostering a sense of community, facilitating feedback, and providing actionable insights, businesses can create a workplace where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute their best efforts.


5. IBM Watson: Process Optimization

IBM Watson is widely recognized for leveraging AI to optimize processes by analyzing data, identifying inefficiencies, and suggesting improvements. It’s a powerful tool for change managers seeking to enhance workflows.

Key Features

  • Process analysis

  • Workflow optimization

  • Cognitive insights


IBM Watson offers flexible pricing options to cater to various business needs. 

  • Lite: Free

  • Plus: Starting $140 per month

  • Enterprise: Custom pricing


IBM Watson’s NLP capabilities allow change managers to process and comprehend employee feedback and sentiments expressed during change. This aids in identifying concerns, reactions, and specific needs, enabling managers to tailor communication strategies accordingly.

IBM Watson’s chatbot and virtual assistant empower change managers to provide instant support to employees with queries. This real-time assistance reduces uncertainty and maintains consistent communication flow throughout the change journey.

IBM Watson’s data analysis tools enable change managers to extract insights from surveys, feedback, and interactions. This data-driven approach helps in identifying trends, challenges, and gauging the progress of change initiatives.

Change managers can utilize IBM Watson’s personalization features to customize communication based on employee roles, preferences, and concerns. This ensures that relevant information reaches each group effective.

Moreover, IBM Watson’s multi-channel communication capabilities enable change managers to reach employees through various platforms, catering to different communication preferences and enhancing engagement.

Bottom Line

By harnessing these IBM Watson features, businesses can orchestrate change management and business strategy with precision. From clear communication to personalized engagement to artificial intelligence and data-driven insights, IBM Watson equips organizations to navigate change successfully and foster a culture of adaptability and growth.


6. Axonify: Employee Training and Development

Navigating change requires equipping employees with the necessary skills and knowledge. Axonify excels in employee training and development through its AI-driven platform that delivers personalized microlearning experiences.

With real-time feedback and adaptive content, Axonify empowers employees to adapt and grow during periods of change.

Key Features

  • Personalized microlearning

  • Real-time feedback

  • Adaptive content delivery


Axonify offers a range of pricing packages tailored to different business needs.


Axonify presents a suite of powerful features that can be strategically employed to drive effective change management within businesses.

Axonify’s microlearning approach delivers bite-sized, personalized content to employees. During change, businesses can create microlearning modules that provide concise information about the upcoming changes, their benefits, and how employees’ roles will be impacted. 

Axonify’s gamification elements, such as points, rewards, and challenges, can be employed creatively during change initiatives. Businesses can design gamified challenges related to the changes, encouraging employees to learn and adapt. By making change-related learning engaging and enjoyable, organizations can create a positive environment conducive to embracing change.

Change initiatives can involve various aspects affecting different teams. Axonify’s adaptive learning pathways enable businesses to create customized learning journeys based on roles and responsibilities.

Change managers can ensure that each team receives the information they need most, fostering a sense of clarity and unity in embracing the changes.

Axonify’s focus on behavioral change goes beyond just conveying information. Businesses can track changes in employee behavior related to the changes being implemented.

This measurement helps assess the success of change initiatives, increases efficiency, and identifies areas where further training or support may be needed.

Bottom Line

By harnessing these powerful features, businesses can transform their approach to change management using Axonify. From tailored learning experiences to engagement through gamification, real-time communication, and continuous reinforcement, Axonify equips employees with the skills they need to thrive in changing environments.

7. Qualtrics EmployeeXM: Change Impact Assessment

Understanding the impact of change on employees is crucial for effective change management. Qualtrics EmployeeXM leverages AI to gather feedback and insights from employees, helping organizations assess the impact of changes on their workforce. This tool provides actionable data that informs strategic decisions.

Key Features

  • Employee feedback collection

  • Real-time insights

  • Analytics and reporting


Qualtrics offers paid packages on a subscription basis. For pricing details, contact Qualtrics sales.


Qualtrics EmployeeXM offers a range of features that can be harnessed strategically to facilitate successful change management within organizations.

Qualtrics EmployeeXM enables businesses to gather feedback from employees at various stages of the change process. Through surveys, pulse checks, and open-ended questions, change managers can gauge employee sentiments, concerns, and perceptions regarding the changes.

This real-time feedback provides insights into the effectiveness of change strategies and helps tailor communication and actions accordingly.

Change management involves maintaining employee engagement even during transitions. Qualtrics EmployeeXM allows businesses to track employee engagement levels over time.

This feature helps identify any drop in engagement due to the changes, enabling change managers to address issues promptly and ensure a positive work environment throughout the change journey.

Qualtrics EmployeeXM offers advanced data visualization tools such as heat maps. These visual representations provide a clear understanding of how different employee groups are responding to the changes.

Heat maps can highlight areas of concern, helping change managers focus their efforts on specific aspects that require attention and improvement.

Qualtrics EmployeeXM allows for personalized communication strategies based on employee preferences and roles. Change managers can segment employee groups and tailor change-related messages accordingly.

This ensures that each employee receives information that is relevant to their role, making the change journey more understandable and relatable.

Bottom Line

Qualtrics EmployeeXM empowers organizations to make more informed decisions by understanding how changes affect their workforce. From collecting employee feedback to tracking engagement and making data-driven decisions, these features contribute to a well-informed and successful change journey.


8. Culture Amp: Cultural Transformation

Cultural transformation is a cornerstone of successful change management. Culture Amp utilizes AI to measure and enhance organizational culture during change. By gathering feedback, analyzing trends, and providing actionable insights, Culture Amp supports cultural alignment with changing strategies.

Key Features

  • Culture assessment

  • Feedback analysis

  • Actionable insights


Culture Amp offers custom pricing tailored to enterprise requirements. Their detailed pricing information can be acquired through a quote request. 

  • Engage (Request a quote)

  • Perform (Request a quote)

  • Develop (Request a quote)

  • Engage + Perform + Develop (Request a quote)


Culture Amp’s engagement and pulse surveys enable organizations to gather insights from employees regarding their sentiments, concerns, and perceptions during times of change. These surveys help change managers understand how employees are experiencing the changes and identify areas that might need attention.

Based on survey results, Culture Amp provides focus areas and action planning tools. These features guide change managers in pinpointing specific aspects of the change process that require improvement or additional attention.

Action plans can be tailored to address concerns and optimize the change journey.

Culture Amp’s performance review features, including 360° feedback and self-reflections, can be leveraged to assess how employees are adapting to changes and whether they have the support needed to succeed. Performance analytics provide data-driven insights into the impact of changes on future projects and employee performance.

During change, employees might need to develop new skills or adapt their existing ones. Culture Amp’s personalized development plans facilitate customized learning journeys to help employees acquire the skills necessary to stay ahead and succeed in the changed business and technology environment.

Bottom Line

Culture Amp’s platform empowers change managers to gather insights, track progress, and make informed decisions that  enable organizations to evolve their culture along alongside changes. 


9. BeeKeeper: Change Communication

Smooth communication is vital for change to be embraced effectively. Beekeeper is an AI-powered platform that enhances change communication through real-time messaging, task management, and employee engagement features. It ensures that information flows seamlessly during times of change.


Key Features

  • Real-time messaging

  • Task management

  • Employee engagement tools


Beekeeper offers flexible and scalable pricing plans designed to cater to different organizational needs.

  • Essential 

  • Core 

  • Premium


Let’s take a walkthrough of Beekeeper’s top AI features and understand how these play a pivotal role in change management:

Beekeeper’s AI-driven natural language processing and translation feature enables seamless communication across diverse teams, breaking down language barriers. During change management, when information dissemination is crucial, this feature ensures that messages are accurately conveyed to all employees, fostering understanding and inclusivity.

AI-powered interactive workflows automate routine tasks and processes. In the context of change management projects, these workflows can guide employees through the new technology and processes, helping them adapt efficiently to the new AI technology.

This feature streamlines change management artificial intelligence-related procedures, reducing confusion and ensuring consistent execution of administrative work

Beekeeper’s AI-driven insights provide valuable data on employee engagement, sentiment, and behavior. During change initiatives, these insights offer a real-time pulse of how employees are responding. Change managers can identify early signs of resistance or concerns and take proactive measures to address them, ensuring smoother change adoption.

AI-driven optimization helps in scheduling tasks and allocating resources efficiently. During times of change, operational adjustments are common.

Beekeeper’s AI assists the project manager in repetitive tasks and optimizing staffing schedules to ensure that the right personnel are available to manage the changes effectively.

Bottom Line

In essence, Beekeeper’s AI features empower change managers with real-time insights, streamlined processes, and enhanced communication capabilities. These features collectively contribute to informed decision-making, efficient change implementation, and employee engagement throughout the change journey.


10. QuantHub: Data Skills Learning

The ability to analyze data effectively is paramount for business success. Change managers, in particular, play a critical role in driving organizational transformations, making data analysis an invaluable skillset.

QuantHub is great AI tool that can help change managers with the tools they need to excel in their roles.

Key Features

  • Advanced predictive modeling

  • Data analysis and insights

  • Machine learning algorithms


QuantHub offers a free trial for new users, after which the software is available across 2 pricing tiers:

  • Gold – $239/month (12-month agreement)

  • Platinum – $589/month (12-month agreement)

  • Enterprise – Contact QuantHub directly for pricing information (Custom agreement)


Quanthub provides a rich library of learning materials, including video tutorials, interactive quizzes, and real-world case studies. These resources cover a wide range of data analysis topics, from basic statistics to advanced machine learning techniques.

Learning by doing is essential for mastering data analysis. Quanthub offers hands-on labs and coding exercises in popular data analysis tools like Python, R, and SQL. Change managers can apply what they learn in a practical context to manage projects, enhancing their problem-solving skills.


Quanthub understands that change managers may have varying levels of data analysis expertise. The platform offers personalized learning paths, allowing users to start from their current skill level and progress at their own pace.

Bottom Line

Quanthub provides a one-stop solution for learning and honing these skills, helping change managers become more effective in their roles. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Quanthub empowers change managers to harness the power of data to drive successful organizational transformations.


The transformative power and significant benefits of AI tools in the world of change management cannot be overstated. As we’ve explored in this introductory blog post, these tools encompass a spectrum of capabilities that address the core challenges, benefits and complexities of change.

By embracing these AI tools, organizations can reshape how they navigate change. This dynamic partnership between AI tools and change management paves the way for innovative solutions and cultivates a culture ready to embrace change. 


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